Friday, 26 August 2011

I Roar!

Along with the Sun in Leo, I let my ego roar! Born a Leo, grown a fighter. Excuse the vanity, can't help it!

by nikchik (:
Zhe dark-side of la magnificent LEO!

There you are – radiant, playful, and such a little sunbeam. What’s not to like? The claws, mainly. You like to keep these sheathed, but you can’t help yourself sometimes. Someone tells you that you look tired. Or dares to disagree with you. Clearly, they do not know who you are. The fools! After this point it’s like one of those wild-life documentaries. It gets bloody. But you are quite deliciously lazy and easily distracted by flattery and shopping, so you soon forget that part. Until the next time. You need staff really. Or a minder. Because sometimes your victims retaliate.

Source :

"I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy, oh oh no! Oh, no!"
Currently listening to Marina's playlist. Ahh yes, moa nu jam <3

Thursday, 25 August 2011

August 25, 2011.

These past few days were been kinda adventurous. Honestly, me kinda like the smell of hecticness, doing the endless reports. At least I feel useful? Being jobless for past few months has turned me into a big fat lazy panda. Err, minus the fat part. Too harsh. Thought of lying on bed once I've reached here but turned out something just pissed me off. Oh well, I almost forgot the main reason I stepped out from this house last time. Probably missing me casa too much just got me blinded from the reality I've been through before. Sorry for the grumpy intro.

Well, talking about Ramadan. Slowly, it's leaving us. It's not that I'm not being excited about the fact that Aidilfitri is coming next, but somehow, good stuffs happen in good month. Obviously, Ramadan isn't just another normal month for us Muslim. Good things did happened to me during this sacret month. I'm gonna miss you so baaaaad, Ramadan. InsyaAllah, with God's willing, we'll be seeing each other next year. InsyaAllah.

Having the same theme as Adie for this raya. We'll see siapa lebih "garang" :p 'Til then!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

August 20, 2011

(Saturday, 20th August 2011)

My Saturday went well. Tiring but definitely worth it. Woke up early just to get my ass off to PPKP. Thought of continuing my beauty sleep in the hall, but Amiril just can't stop BBM-ing me for the whole session of PPKP. Damnnnson :p Had my Acey installed with this new local's software called "CariKata". Haven't tried it yet. Hopefuly it's worth buying. Had my berbuka with Subway Melt and Chocolate Cream Chip. Finally, Subway Melt is moaa!! All the restaurants were all full house, but this green creature still being sooo degil, refuse to eat Subway even though he haven't tried it yet. Yeah!! He never eat Subway before how sad kan :p Eeeeee even his dad eat Subway. Eeeee penyu tua :p Okay whatever it is, this is how he looks like, together with his first Subway ever! Yeay!!
And yeah, this PARIZ also never had a sushi ever before this. So yeaaaahh.. I made him eat not one, BUT THREE!! Yeay!! Eventhough he doesn't like it but wth. Birthday you nanti I bagi sushi. Eeeeee tak habis, I makan :DD

So, 3 hours left before I have to go back. Munki, I swear it was unplanned. Hahaha! We tawaf-ed Pyramid almost 7 times edi boleh naik Haji dah ni. Got nothing much in mind. So we headed to the cinema and just hit whatever movie that was currently playing so yeah, lucky; Horrible Bosses was our today's picked. I won't say it was all that great but good enough to release your stress. Aiceh! The movie was hilarious! Yet some part has been cut *oh bummer* so yeah kepada tokei movie Lendu, download unrated punya nanti orait! Hahaha

And finally, the day has come to its end. I've got my second pressie from Penyu yeay! It is effingly beautiful, comel, awesome, cantik, comel lagi :p I love it. Thank you Penyu!!! Ngaaaaaa now I don't know where to hang it, so I just put it on my side table jelah. So I can see it everyday. Aiceh. Hahahaha
So I headed home, and turned out la familia surprised me with a birthday cake. Yeay!! Cheesecake nyum nyum! All I can do is, counting my blessing for all the things I have and I thank Allah SWT to let me standing on where I am today. It doesn't matter where you go, or where you are. Paris, London, Liberty Statue (tetibe), or where you are in this world. It's not that luxurious that really matters (Although it actually does!! :p) It's who you're with that counts. I can't be more thankful to have my beautiful friends and la familia. Aicececececeh. OH well, I'm stuffed. 

Kenyang perut, suka hati. Hihi :3

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Things I'll Never Say

I’m tugging at my hair
I’m pulling at my clothes
I’m trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I’m staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I’m searching for the words inside my head

It don’t do me any good
It’s just a waste of time
What use is it to you
What’s on my mind
If ain’t coming out
We’re not going anywhere
So why can’t I just tell you that I care

What’s wrong with my tongue
These words keep slipping away
I stutter, I stumble
Like I’ve got nothing to say

Cause I’m feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you’re worth it
You’re worth it

Guess I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say

If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you, away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight

If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Yes, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say

These things I’ll never say (:

Monday, 15 August 2011

Decisiones que duelen en el corazón.

Hay decisiones que surgen de los motivos, motivos que a veces no entendemos y que por mas que queramos entender no podemos utilizar la razón para comprenderlos, se que tal vez te desilusiono mi actitud, que debido a mis cambios tu te has hartado y has decidido tomar tu camino y olvidar el punto en donde nos encontramos, yo no te reprocho nada y estas en tu derecho de tomar tu camino, aunque me duele mucho, respeto tu decisión y me aparto de tu camino, mas sin embargo antes de irte, déjame decirte algunas cosas.

te encontré de la nada, llegaste a mi vida y la llenaste de vida, me regalaste grandes momentos de felicidad y te agradezco por todo lo que hiciste por mi, discúlpame por no ser la persona que quisieras que fuera, son inmaduro, no tengo aun la madurez para tomar las decisiones y no se como comportarme debido a mis heridas, solamente se que pude haber llegado a darte lo que nadie mas te ha dado, mas sin embargo, te amo tanto que me aparto de tu camino.

Solamente te pido que jamas baje las cabeza, que jamas vuelvas a llorar eres una gran persona que merece ser feliz, te deseo lo mejor de la vida, que encuentres el maravilloso sentimiento que buscas en tu vida y que renazca en ti, llenándote de mucha paz y tranquilidad, te deseo lo mejor de lo mejor.

ahora es tiempo de tomar el camino que el destino nos pide.

Muchas gracias por todo, Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre, sonríe y jamas mires atrás nuevamente.

P.D Todos los logos, Canciones, Vídeos y demás información son respectivo de cada autor.

Lagrimas de Ángel.

Pues bien todo lo que empieza algún dia termina, la vida es como un mosaico que tiene mil combinaciones y a veces solo preferimos ver solo uno, un día comienza todo con mucha emoción y con el tiempo, se va perdiendo hasta olvidarse.

es ahí en donde me encuentro, solamente sobran lagrimas de un Ángel.

P.D Todos los logos, Canciones, Vídeos y demás información son respectivo de cada autor.

Regreso a clases.

Todos en algún momento de la vida nos toco vivir esa maravillosa experiencia que es estudiar, no hay nada en la vida mas satisfactorio que poder aprender, el conocimiento es fundamental en nuestra vida y es necesaria para el desarrollo del ser humano, así necesitamos ir a avanzando e ir subiendo en la pirámide del conocimiento.

Desde pequeños el ser humano busca la manera de poder aprender a través del ejemplo, todos aprendemos por imitación y es así como el hombre comienza a desarrollar sus capacidades, en el mundo estudiantil y laboral, el estudio es la fuente de poder del hombre, el intelecto que domina el pensamiento de desarrolla de muy diversas formas, permitiendo al hombre desarrollarse en cualquier esfera.

Así es que desde pequeños vamos a esas instituciones, colegios, kínder Garden primarias, secundarias, bachilleratos, universidades y demás, en donde son los centros del conocimiento, hoy en especial, en México, regresan la mayoría de los estudiantes a aprender para obtener en un futuro, el conocimiento y con ello, valerse y sustentarse en la vida.

Así, que de todo corazón, Feliz Regreso a Clases a todos los estudiantes.

Recuerden que el progreso del país, depende de cada persona, hay que entregar siempre lo mejor, para que como sociedad crezcamos con valores y conocimiento.

Por un mejor Mundo, Da lo mejor de ti, cada día, algún día los niños del futuro te lo agradecerán


P.D Todos los logos, Canciones, Vídeos y demás información son respectivo de cada autor.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Letters to You!

Now I'm officially, TWENTEEN :D

A great birthday won't be that great without your loved ones. Being ambushed with birthday songs #wasplaying and get tepungfied while playing the firecrackers and mercun was very very Ramadhan-ish awesomeee! Eventhough my right thumb abit melecur caused by the firecrackers but whatever, kenangan 20th celebration :p Sorry I was speechless last night, I couldn't even say anything when I was supposedly give out a speech. I don't know how to thank chu olls in other way but thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!! You people leave me speechless plus I ain't a good speaker so so so so THANK YOU SO MUCH!! *lompat setempat* Love chu olls!! You guys cweet cangat cangat!! Haha T-T

Click the picture for more :)
Also, I wanna dedicate today to my parents who gave birth and raised me for these 2 dacades. Thank you for everything. Without you, I am definitely not who I am today; a young girl, with a young heart :D Even though I nag a lot but oh well, I nag cause , I'm normal :p Hahaha thank you so much Abah and Mama, to give me the chance to live and love. Kawp Jai, Maa.. Paa!! Love youuuuuuuuuu!! (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

I wanna thank Om Erwan for, everything. Oh yeah, EVERYTHING ;p Oh well, congratulations to be the earliest one to wish!! Ngahahaha I love you so much, Om!! Thanks for the early present. I bet Abah chopped off the original price kan kan kan. Like usual. Eeeeeee!!

To my dearest Amira Ismail, thank you so much for the lovelettersssssssz. I love you so dearly my dear!! You've been among the earliest to wish and omg you leave me completely speechless. I swear to you, I don't know how to react when I read your messages but but but but but to read it again and again and again. Oh my sweetheart, you've been a great boyfriend to me. I LOVE YOU!!! =*

Also, me wanna thank Hariz-chan for the surprise video. THANK YOU PENYUUUU!! It's effingly lawak-ly sweetly beautiful!! ;p Thank you so, much!! Love the email, the password, the banner, the tagline, the blog, and the fact that you kena marah dgn Ummi during the shooting ;p I know I've been thanking you for the whole night and day but but but thank you so much Nyuunyuu (and Ummi, and Uncle Sam's camera ;p) !! But still, I already retired from singing and no one is getting old today but YOU. You kan rambut dah rontok, kbye ;p

To Botak, oh yessssssssssssssss thanks for the future pressie that I'll be getting in this few hours :p HAHAHAHA *countdown starts, NOW!* I hope you're doing fine over there. Take a good care of yourself jangan sakit sakit lagi. Bini empat kalau sakit siapa nak jaga? ;p Send my regard to Mak for me k. Be safe, botak tua gemuk tua lagi gemuk.<3

Last but not least, I wanna thank all my frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeends around the globe for all those beautiful wishes!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Waaaaaaaaa I'm aware that it's a tradition on facebook kita wish semua orang but but but still, you people make me goooooo..
I am actually smitten!! I wanna thank all my buddiessssss for those annoying texts and posts!! Thank you so much!! (saya sedar post ni banyak THANKYOU je) I don't know what else to say but THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!

Oh oh and also bunch of thanks to both moa brother and sister for the "sweeeet" wishes. I want my Darth Vader and new wedges, make it faaaaasttt!! Thank you!! :D

Apa lagi eh. Oh yeah!! Thank you, Anonymous!! I don't know who you are but thank you for the mixtapes!! I thought it was some bird's shit ke apa, cuz Zaza was screaming like OMG WHAT'S THAT!! WHAT'S THAT!! Turned out it was a CD on the wiper :O Thanks for the surprise. I'm not sure what the "#3" actually means but who are you?!! Are you the one from Formspring? Or the same person that put this one letter on my car last time? Even though I have no idea about all the songs in it but thank you, Anonymous. Really appreciate it :)
Ohhhhhhhhh wow. Finally you can stop reading. Hehehehe!! Have a wonderful day people!! Heading back to Shah Alam in few hours, right after I finish my Event paper tomorrow morning ;p Til then, take care!! xx :D

P/S : Once I get my new bb, my kaki will be the first picture in the gallery. Yeay!

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. Hariz, awesome. 

But the truth is, Illy lagi awesome dari Hariz !! :D

Dah tu je nak cakap. Kbye.

Friday, 5 August 2011

August 5, 2011.

Ladies Love Me by Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber on repe-pe-pe-pe-peat<3

Instinctively I know I have a temper. I like to fight and I wish I could control it. I seriously need to come to terms with it. My surrounding gets it quite a bit. *peace kawankawan :p* I also have a sense of humour and I can be quite clever. Hahahaha I ain't a book worm or all that vissionary nerd, but sometimes my common sense annoys some nongheads. I have a mad streak, too. My father taught me learning is living. I didn't get pocket money to buy clothes or toys when I was young, but he would buy any book I wanted. In the end, I have tons of fairy tale stuck in my room. Well, that explains a lot -.-" I am a delighted Malaysian that 201% proud to be Malaysian and I just love the smell of Shah Alam. Oh yes, I'm HOME!! :D

KG. BUKIT BULAT, MACHAP: Do enjoy our montage from our previous event, Citra Siswa Rakyat; dari mata turun ke hati, nicely done by the Multimedia & Publicity members. Technically, this event is a combination of 4 classes from the batch for our event's assignment. A community service by Masscomm's part 5 students. Siapa kata kita suka mencapap je?  :p

Citra Siswa Rakyat
from Norman Halief on Vimeo.
Photo by Zatie Aziz :)
Photo by PidotThePidot :p
Photo by @AdieLokman.
Photo by @zatygunawan.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


And now, the end is near.
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear.
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full.
I've travelled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few.
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do.
And saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course.
Each careful step along the byway.
And more, much more than this.
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew.
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt.
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall,
And did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside.
I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way.
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it my way.
For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself, then he has not,
To say the things he truly feels.
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows,
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Para la mujer que Amo en este día, FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS JOZE.

Hoy que es tu cumpleaños “JOZE”, quiero felicitarte por un año más de vida, por un año más de logros y por un año más que tenemos la dicha de compartir contigo esta experiencia magnifica llamada vida, hoy que es tu cumpleaños quiero felicitarte porque no está de más decirte que eres una gran persona, una gran mujer, de esas pocas que quedan en este maravilloso espacio y tiempo, quiero que sepas que en este día nuestro creador realizo en ti uno de los mas bellos seres humanos, tu mi quería "Joze".

Quiero desearte lo mejor de lo mejor en este día, que Dios te premie en este día, con todo lo que más necesitas en ella, que te bendiga hoy y siempre con mucha Salud, Dinero y Amor, deseo de corazón que en este día todos tus sueños y anhelos se hagan realidad porque te los mereces, por ser una gran persona, con un gran corazón y con una extraordinaria fuerza, hoy quiero celebrarte por que Te Amo, porque no hay minuto en que no deje de pensar en ti, porque en tan poco tiempo he visto a través de ti, lo maravilloso que es vivir a tu lado, por eso solamente me queda decirte. MUCHAS FELICIDADES POR UN AÑO MÁS DE VIDA.

Deseo de corazón que jamás en la vida te sientas triste, te deseo el mejor éxito que pueda existir porque tú eres una gran persona un líder y me siento muy orgulloso de ti, de formar parte de tu vida y siento mucha admiración por ti.



P.D Todos los logos, Canciones, Vídeos y demás información son respectivo de cada autor.