Monday, 27 June 2011


Estimats amics culers que viviu a Lisboa o esteu de pas. De vacances o de cap de setmana, el proper dissabte dia 2 de juliol a les 18:00 (de Portugal) us esperem a tots a l’SNOOKER, el nostre local social per tal de celebrar, tot brindant amb Cava, el nostre 5è aniversari i la 3a Lliga consecutiva així com la Champions. Amb la presencia entre nosaltres del directiu del FC Barcelona, responsable de l’Oficina de les Penyes, el Sr. Pau Vilanova.
No falteu! Us hi esperem! Entrada lliure
Queridos amigos el próximo sábado 2 de julio a las 18:00 (de Portugal) os espero a todos en el SNOOKER para celebra el 5º aniversario de la Penya Barcelonista de Lisboa. Me haría una particular ilusión volver a veros a todos para festejar con una copita de Cava este evento al que también están invitados todos los culés que este día se encuentren en Lisboa y quieran juntarse a nosotros. Entrada Libre.

A on estem? Com arribar-hi?


Travessa do Salitre, 1


METRO linea Azul. Parada Avenida

A 30 metros del Consulado de España i del Parc Meyer

Me, Myself and I.

"Dangerously in Love", "Naughty Girl", "Listen", "Deja Vu", "Flaws and All" on repeat.

I'm a puzzle yes indeed. Ever complex in every way, and all the pieces aren't in the box and yet, you see the picture clear as day. I neglect you when I'm working. When I need attention I tend to nag. I'm a host of imperfection, and you see past all that. Ah yes, Queen B in the house baby!

Spotted. Random 2009's video. SIAL AH PART ONE! :3
If his status ain't hood, I ain't checkin' for him. Better be street if he lookin' at me. I need a soldier, that ain't scared to stand up for me. Known to carry big things, if you know what I mean. Ngaaaaaa I just can't get enough. All hail to Queen B. LOL! Monday was good. To both Zaza and Fit, all the best for the audition! :DD

I'm afraid of storm. Don't care whether people would enjoy every moment watching the thunder with their loved ones or such, but not me hombre. I don't know why is it become a topic for tonight, but yeahh.. You know.. Storm.. Yeah.. Takut. -.-" I’m not someone with over the top confidence, but when it comes to.. err.. Oh, I've been out and about, getting lost in the reality I'm in at the tail end of June. KOSONG; that explains a lot. Gaaaaah. Apa benda lah aku tulis ni. Okay okay, straight to the point.

Mengantuk lah. Good night!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Pretty Reckless

I've been dreaming of this one blue ring with a little bird on the transparent stone from Diva I saw last time at The Curve. But it costs me rm40 memang tak lah, boleh songlap dua baju dah dekat situ. Oh well, ada jodoh kita jumpa lagi. -.-

July is coming soon. I must say, I have this mixed feelings of July. The hecticness that I'll be dealing with, the sleepless nights with events and mid terms and ALSO all zhe videos clips that SHOULD BE DONE before Ramadan. Oh boy, this going to be really FUN!! I mean, sometimes it bores you to get bored. Sometimes all the annoyance of works become fun when you enjoy doing it. Just saying. If I nag later, don't bother. It's a part of the process :p

As we all know, Ramadan is coming soon. Yeay! We shall greet Ramadan best. Praise Allah SWT, we still able to meet Ramadan.. again!! Oh well, this going to be my 20th Ramadan, InsyaAllah. Thinking of taking Pharmaton for the whole month as it will stop me from bleeding-love during the fasting month (Alasan taknak ganti puasa) :p We'll see first lah eh. Haha

It makes me smile to come across this. Again.
And to know that's just another crap to be writen, I have no regret of doing anything I did back then; step out and move on. I don't do argument. Time is way too precious for me to waste on useless liars. Oh well, I'm not mad. You were there whenever I need somebody to talk to, even did I know, you were cheating on me. I'm cool with that, as long as I have someone to bebel to. So true, I'm grateful to have such heart. Time heals, and I'm back on track.



P/S: Siakap 3rasa dimenangi oleh Munki Munki eeee :D

Pretty but Unpretty

I wish I could tie you up in my shoes, make you feel unpretty too.
I was told I was beautiful but what does that mean to you.
Look into the mirror who’s inside there, the one with the long hair.
Same old me again today.

My outsides are cool my insides are blue.
Everytime I think I’m through, it’s because of you.
I’ve tried different ways but it’s all the same.
At the end of the day, I have myself to blame.
I'm just tripping.

You can buy your hair if it won’t grow.
You can fix your nose if he says so.
You can buy all the make-up that M.A.C. can make.

But if, you can’t look inside you.
Find out who am I to.
Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty.
I feel pretty, oh so pretty.
I feel pretty and witty and bright.
And I pity, any girl who isn't me tonight.

Never insecure until I met you now I’m being stupid.
I used to be so cute to me, just a little bit skinny.
Why do I look to all these things to keep you happy.
Maybe get rid of you and then I’ll get back to me.

My outsides look cool my insides are blue.
Everytime I think I’m through, it’s because of you.
I’ve tried different ways but it’s all the same.
At the end of the day, I have myself to blame.
Keep on tripping.

You can buy your hair if it won’t grow.
You can fix your nose if he says so.
You can buy all the make-up that M.A.C. can make.

But if you can’t look inside you.
Find out who am I to.
Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty.

I feel pretty but unpretty. -TLC

Friday, 24 June 2011

La cualidad de Pedir Perdón.

tal vez muchas de las veces el hombre se equivoca y no sabe por que actúa de alguna  cierta forma y se comporta de cierta manera, a veces las vivencias de la vida te van forjando de alguna manera, tanto para bien como para mal, es ahí que al pasar de los años te vas dando cuanta de quien eres y como te desenvuelves en la vida, es así que también vas conociendo personas que te ayudan a cambiar a ser mejores y a dar lo mejor de ti, pero a veces sin querer lastimas el corazón de esas personas que solo buscan darte lo que necesitas, darte amor.

la vida esta llena de mil circunstancias que afectan tu vida de cierta manera, te vas volviendo conforme a tus experiencias y vivencias, pero a veces el pasado, te hace revivir el presente y te vuelves un poco melancólico, es así como me siento ahora, no se por que actuó de cierta manera para mal, cuando siento amor, tal vez es el recorrido de mi vida, la que no me permite el poder ser feliz, muchas tantas vivencias que han sido ensombrecido por la duda, el rencor y la traición, hacen de mi vida un tanto amarga en algún sentido, pero no solo es eso, la vivencia de perder a las personas que son importantes en mi vida, hacen que cierre mi corazón y no permita la entrada de nadie, por temor a perder mas personas que amo, es algo que no debería permitir mas sin embargo lo permito y es cuando todo se vuelve un tanto aterrador.

hay palabras que no quiero decir pero no se como reaccionar ante la adversidad, la verdad es que necesito sentir y vivir algo que me llene de nuevo lo que esta vació, algo que me llene de jubilo y alegría lo que me quitaron y rompieron a su paso, algo que me haga sentir especial y que me den esperanzas de que el mundo no es como parece, que se puede creer, que se puede construir lo inimaginable solamente con amor.

Adriane, siento haberte lastimado, siento haberte desilusionado y siento haberte hecho sentir tristeza, no hay excusa para lo que te hice sentir, se que actué mal y que no he sido como tu has soñado y has pensado, no soy una persona buena ni mala, solo soy un ser humano con muchas capacidades, virtudes y defectos, no te ilusiones conmigo, por que no soy perfecto, no soy un ser que toque el cielo ni quien puede bajar las estrellas, solo soy un simple ser humano, que ha caminado un camino difícil en este lapso de tiempo que se llama vida, he aprendido a dejar a las personas a no retenerlas por que es injusto para ellas, someterlas a amar a alguien, jamas el amor debe ser así, es por eso que yo no te pido que estés conmigo, si quieres compartir conmigo parte de tu vida y de tu tiempo, con todo mi amor te pido que entres en mi y me enseñes a confiar, a creer y amar, no se que es eso y dudo mucho....
tal vez por eso me comporto como soy.

pero solo puedo decir,  la vida no es como la quisiéramos pero depende de nosotros moldearla de la mejor manera para ser felices....

te pido perdón, por quien soy, por quien seré y por lo que viviré junto a ti.

no hay palabras que dese decir mas que.


P.D Todos los logos, Canciones, Vídeos y demás información son respectivo de cada autor. 

Walk the Walk

Hello beautiful creatures. Whaaaaddup!

Currently watching penyu melepek. He's green and slimy. With headphones on, watching the awesomest of the awesomest creature he ever met, typing this crap. Oh what the hell. This is how he looks like.
Muahahaha! With song of the day on repeat, Don't You Wanna Stay - Jason Aldean (ft. Kelly Clarkson), I just finished my ETR300 i-learn assesment yeay! Next will be ETR workbook. Boohoo! T.T But good news just came in. Tram Car tomorrow night yeay! How I miss my dearly Baked Seafood nyum nyum. Going to have dinner with my family, granny grandpa and the rest and I think US will be one of the topic tomorrow *sigh.

Since penyu asked me to blog about anything so I'll just crap lah eyy. I think it's funny how has become my favourite station I tune in nowadays. I love cheese as much as I love chickin. My favourite color is black, followed by red. I listen to what I wanna listen. Depends on my mood. It matters :) It's tougher than solving addmath to think what to give penyu once he passed his PPL test. Ini satu kekejaman. I've been bullied internally. *Gaaaaaahhh. I love the smell of white lilies in my room and my cranberries candles. Me no good at writing biodata. If you wanna know about anything, just hit on my Formspring. Ngahahah! *promote promote* I have nothing to write cuz currently, I'm happy. Oh well, maybe not the happiest living creature on the planet but still, I have nothing to be sad of. So yeah, I don't feel like writing. Ngaaaaaaahaha. I'm not sad. I just blog anything I want to blog. Don't get me wrong. Some posts are just sad I know, but doesn't mean I'm sad. I just blog my thoughts. Oh what else eyy. I love my Mr. Giraffe. He's always there whenever I want to.. rest. Ehem. I love my Mr. Sheep. Always there, accompanying me whenever I want to.. hibernate. I love my phoney. Even though it's old, it contains my complete contacts. I love my bestfriend, Acey. It stores everything, with the help of my dearly external hardisks. Last but not least, I love my boyfriend, Wupwup. He means the world to me. I miss you, Wupwup. Hope you're doing fine in Lendu :(

Lullaby for tonight.

Sincerely, Nothing-in-mind.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Keep Talking

Learn how to talk before you talk. With respect.

It's rude to talk to a girl you barely know like, "open lah chat..bosan lah", "jom keluar", "bosan lah, jom borak", "will you french me?", "u hot lah. kena date ni", "jom date", "bosan, lepak jom", etc. What the fuck is that bro. Cakap normal boleh tak? Who taught you like that? Don't you know about manners?! It's not about jual mahal, bajetnyeeew ke, but I'm talking about the goddamn thing called MANNERS!

Talk with respect! We girls ain't fuckin' shit you can grab anytime you want, arseholes.

Here With Me

I didn't hear you leave. I wonder how am I still here and I don't want to move a thing. It might change my memory.

I don't want to call my friends. For they might wake me from this dream and I can't leave this bed. Risk forgetting all that's been.

Oh I am what I am. I do what I want, but I can't hide. And I won't go. I won't sleep. I can't breathe. Until you're resting here with me.

And I won't leave. I can't hide. I cannot be.

Until you're resting here with me.

Monday, 20 June 2011

You Got to Go, Go, Go, Go.

You were nice, wonderful, someone who great at Scrabble and a little bit crack but yeah, maybe I didn't fall any deeper but still, I have to say this. You son of a bitch. You put us on a good day out. We went for movies and hang out, catching up, always there when I was  down, you called me and cheered me up, and whatever shit that took me and oh wow, turned out you have got yourself a girlfriend without telling me. Oh well, it ain't a bummer of course, cuz sorry dude, seriously, honest speaking, I didn't fall for you. THANK GOD I HAVE YOUR FRIENDS WITH ME BRO SINCE, errr wait for it, BEFORE YOU START BITCHING ON ME. (Whaaaddup!) But hey, can't believe I met a douche like you. Your spesies, GOTTA GO. Seriously, you distracting fat ass monster should be dead! And wallah- you screwed your girlfriend and came to me telling it's her fault leaving you? F you bitch. You brought her to the same place you brought me and yada yada yada I know the real story bro. You disgust me! Then you hitting on my friend, and now, my senior. Dude, seriously?? I may been seeing you with one eye but trust me bro, I have more on you. I don't know how you did all that You just lost my respect and yeah, you're one hell of every gay's dreamguy not us, the girls. If only I can mention your name here, for every-living-girl's sake, but I don't want to cause any scene after this but please, stop texting me like nothing happened. You're just another smelly stinky shit that should be &%$#@ on! (Don't bother me no good in swearin' I swear) Even a 13 y'o girl can notice that, stewpid. And oh fyi, I'm not sad. I don't even waste a drop of my precious tears for you. Don't worry. You didn't break my heart cuz obviously I never give you any of me but umm, I just can't belive I met species like you. Geez, you remind me of bullshit. And you just don't realize it 'til now don't cha? Oh, well. I know the fact that you're not happy and struggling and whatever shit you're having now but yeaaahh, worth spending time watching. Heh heh heh. Sorry I replied your texts like shit but yeah, you sick bastard should fuck off. Teehee! Pssst, your ex-girlfriend used to be one of my Sayangs so yeahh. Me ain't your anotha dumb blondie honeybee. I know things, so don't you ever underestimate me. Peace!

Sincerely, Winner.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Nagging Thoughts


Oh I learn something today. "Dream big but never talk big" Makan dalam? Be my guest :p Today I wanna share something. Nothing big or what lah, just wondering. I have this one friend. She has everything. Seriously, everything. The wealth that has been given makes her life seems so easy to handle. So yeah, she has everything. Dah tak main lepak Mapley. Dia lepak Paris, Rome ke apa lagi benua dia nak lepak. She always get what she wants so yeah, lucky sangat :3 Somehow, she's still unhappy. Not sure why. Family problems or what but I don't think it has anything to do with the family. But still I wonder, you have everything you wished for and people are dying to be in your shoes but still, why.

Di sini nak tekankan betapa pentingnya Inner Peace
Sincerely, Master Shifu xoxo.

Move on to the next point. I just proposed to my dad and oh yes, he agreed to send me to US for degree!! #shocker "I'm happy to know that you willing to go abroad. Abah ingat awak taknak pergi," I was like.. what tha?! You told me you won't send me anywhere in the world last time oh my God! -.-" If only I can say that to his face but sebelum dia moodswing, baik diam :p "Awak ikut Adi, apply lah apa yang korang nak. Ikut Zaza ke. Up to you. Go to the same U if you can. Later you come and tell Abah,". Auww auwww auwww Adi Adi, please continue your degree with me please please please! Jangan kerja lagi. Please! So yeah, I spent my precious 60 minutes with Ayahanda talking about "Planning". Life is all about planning, and so on so on. Yeah, we talked about LIFE. If only I can spill everything to him. Nak buka mata betapa baiknya anak dara dia ni. InsyaAllah if I manage to go to the States, Niagara Falls; you just wait! One of the thing I wanna do before I die. With Allah's willing, InsyaAllah everything will be smoothly settled. I mean, I don't hope much. Dapat, rezeki. Tak dapat, ada hikmah. Things happen for reasons, right? He knows what's best for us. God makes no mistakes. All we need to do is, have some faith and you rock! Aicece

Just something to crack you up. Enjoy! :D

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Fat Cat

Hello lovelies!! Whaaaaaaaaddup!!

Good day to start all over again eyy? Oh well, I've been through some I don't know what lah I've been crying for no reasons buang tebiat kot. But oh hey!! I'm officially back on track baby hell yeah!! Don't ask me why out of sudden but surprisingly, I had my wake up call and I feel awesome? Maybe I had some depressions from my supplements taking or whatever that is but hey, I feel awesome today. What's not to love? Time to move on and kick some ass! Over confident pun tak boleh jugak Lyana weyy -.- But we are all born superstars! We're beautiful in our own ways cuz God makes no mistakes. I don't hide myself in regrets. Loving myself and I'm all set! Gaga much? Haha. Yeah, I'm all Gaga now. Gugu Gaga! Avoid the obvious we should be facing the truth. Yeeha!
This is my life and people try to shut me down. Put my music on and those people don't make a sound. I'm in my own world, bursting into tears to the early morning and gone sober without drinking. Some are screaming but I don't hear a thing. Me no caring, what am I staring? All fat cat are messing, am I tearing? I'm missing and what are you doing? I'm singing and the DJ spinning. On the floor we rolling, what am I loosing? I'm shooting and they drop and they falling, hell yeah I'm dancing til the night gone missing without no one's caring and am all about to banging. 

I've gone high. High upon the stars, starring.
Mi Amore Vole Fè!

P/S : Happy Birthday, B!tch. :p

Monday, 13 June 2011

My Sheltering Cloud

When everything seems to be right, there's a feeling inside saying something's wrong. I just can't let it out when I don't even know where to start. I don't know what's the big deal or even what's my problem actually. I can't explain. I don't know if I'm really getting better or am I just getting used to the pain. But one thing that I know, once I saw you, everything rushed into my brain out of nowhere, all of a sudden this overwhelming sadness rushes over me and I get discouraged and I get upset and I feel hopeless, sad, and hurt and once again I become numb to the world. I miss you Adi :(( "It feels as though I have a string tied here under my left rib where my heart is, tightly knotted to you in a similar fashion. And when you go, with all that distance between us, I am afraid that this cord will be snapped, and I shall bleed inwardly," (Charlotte Brontë) It's been ages since the last time we actually sit together and had some real chat. So near yet so far. But glad to know that you still follow my blog sangat terharu :'DD Ngaaaaaaa!! I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you! Can't wait to tell you betapa tahinya lelaki sekarang. Like there's no other topic, heh. Going for a dindin with Adie tonight. At last, I found my shoulders back. I can’t stand by the side and watch this life pass me by. Somehow, I need you to accompany me. Feeling so unhappy yet as safe as I could be. At least I know you're always there for me? I'm happy enough to live in this world. All these days, they feel like they are all the same, just with different faces and different place. Please get me out of here. Without you, I feel like a stranger standing on this road. Hohohohohohohohoh jiwang okay thank you.

Please vote for me thanks! :p (kelik sini!) and Follow my blog with Bloglovin! :D 

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Rosie's 20th

Celebrating Zaheera's 20th Birthday :)

[ Kakikakicowmoo, Rosie, Paus@Munki, Shifu ]
Roadblock Bandar Hilir.
Polis 1: Ada lesen dan IC?
Fathin : Ada. *sambil hulur lesen dan IC*

Polis 2 : Taknak tangkap gambar saya?
Illyana : *sedang memegang camera* Taknak. Hehehe *sengihsengih

Polis 1 : Dah pukul 2 pagi ni, kenapa tak balik lagi? Tgk wayang?
Fathin : Kami pergi karaoke tadi.

Polis 2 : Overnight ke?
Illyana : Tak, baru nak balik rumah.
Polis 2 : UiTM Lendu? Duduk luar eh?
Illyana : A'ah. Dah besar dah. Haha

Polis 1 : Karaoke? Suara sedap lah ni? Nak jadi penyanyi? Nyanyi sikit.
Fathin : Haha! Manaada.. Hahaha.
Polis 1 : Ha, okay awak boleh jalan dah. *memulangkan lesen/IC
Fathin : Terima kasih!

Polis 2 : *masih merenung*
Illyana : *tenung balik*
Polis 3 : Eh! Kamu lagi!
Illyana : Wehy!!! Dia ni lagi!!! Abang, roadtax tak mati dah okay!
Polis 2 : Weh, kau kenal dia? Siapa dia?
Polis 3 : *maaf,xdgr apa dia ckap sb kereta dah jalan*

But you can refer to this post for more information about Polis 3. Oh not to forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOHAMMAD si kubis hijau!! :D Thanks for calling tapi pukul 4 pagi ialah waktu orang tidur. Awak bangun sahur ke apa. Oh well, my babygirl dah besar and polis melaka comel, so yeah I think that's about it. BYE! 

Saturday, 11 June 2011

X-Men: First Class

It seems like Jusco is my second campus. We bumped into him, him, her, her, them, her, him, etc. Oh ma gawd. Hahahaha :DD

 Honestly, Haiqal tak sejuk :p
 Esah Lempang. Haha :DD
 Surprisingly, they shared the same birthdate :DD
 Fyi, we went to the same school :))
 How I miss this view (:
June 11, 2011. Saturday.

Cukur Jambul

Kampung Madam Mai, somewhere in Masjid Tanah :)

"Ini husband I. Kalau jumpa kat pekan 
jangan ngorat okay uolls," Madam Mai.