Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Today Was A Fairytale

# Currently playing Heartbeat - Enrique Iglesias ft Nicole Scherzinger

Once upon a time, I met this one boy named Jannah.

Jannah got this very very long hair.

He looks more jambu with that hair.

And always be misunderstood as a gay.


Well, he's not.

He's completely STRAIGHT.

Trust me. :P


One day, we went to Sunway Pyramid.

We went for bowling.

We went for Kenny's!! <3

And we went for Arcade.


He's not a good racer.

But its his lucky day.

He won all the three games.

I wanted to replay.

But he pulled me out from the Arcade.

And I really hate him for that. :P


He's a naughty naughty boy.

He still don't want to chop his hair off.

Very very very DEGIL.


But still, he's my bittersweet hubby dubby.

And I LOVE HIM so gemuk gemuk.

And we live happily ever after.

The End.

P/S : Oh not to forget. Thanks for all your votes, people! Especially you, Ali Nazran. Haha Gigih kauu. Its been awhile I didn't check it. Can't believe the contest has finally reached the end. 832 votes. Wow!! Boleh menang pilihan raya :P Nway, thanks again for your love and all the supports, people. :D

Have a pleasant day- Toddles! xx

Monday, 28 June 2010


Caray, creo que es de las pocas rolas que podemos decir que son éxitos tras éxitos a lo largo de los años, son de las clásicas, viejitas pero bonitas, que a todos nos agradan.

Hoy buscando una información encontré esta canción, realmente es maravillosa, es una joya, tiene más de 50 años pero sigue siendo un hit.

Viajando por la net, encontre el la reconocida pagina del Dr. Wikipedia esta informacion que a continuacion pego.

"Stand by Me" es una canción interpretada por Ben E. King y compuesta junto a Jerry Leiber y Mike Stoller. La canción está adaptada a partir de un tema gospel de 1955 interpretado por The Staples Singers, otorgando a la canción un sonido más contemporáneo. Desde su publicación, ha sido versionado por numerosos músicos, si bien ninguna de las versiones ha alcanzado la fama de la original.

Durante la composición del tema, Ben E. King no tenía intención de grabarla, tal y como declararó en una entrevista para el documental "Historia del Rock'n'Roll".[1] King había escrito el tema para The Drifters, quien falleció antes de grabarla. No fue hasta pasadas las sesiones de grabación de "Spanish Harlem" que, preguntado por el productor musical acerca de nuevo material, King tocó "Stand By Me" en el piano. El productor dio el visto bueno al ensayo y llamó a músicos de sesión para grabar el tema.

"Stand By Me" ha entrado en los diez primeros puestos de las listas de Billboard en dos ocasiones: tras su publicación como sencillo en 1961 y en 1986, coincidiendo con la publicación del tema en la película Cuenta conmigo y con el uso del tema para un anuncio de Levi Jeans.

"Stand by Me" ha sido catalogada en el puesto 121 de la lista de las 500 mejores canciones de todos los tiempos, elaborada por la revista musical Rolling Stone. BMI nombró el tema como el cuarto más interpretado durante el siglo XX, con más de siete millones de interpretaciones.

Vaya y pensar que esta cancion la han cantado nuestros abuelitos, nuestros papas y ahora nosotros como la nueva generacion y espero que algun dia las futuras generaciones logren captar la esencia de esta cancion.

por ejemplo en lo personal adoro la version Trance de Stand by me, producida por dj. shah Disfrutenla.

la verdad es que no tiene abuelita, se disfruta tanto como la original.

y ya para rematar, esta rola es una de las canciones mas conocidas a lo largo del mundo, en especial hay un vido que me super encanta, que mejor una cancion para derrivar, odios, racismo, creencias, ideas politicas y demas.

una rola que une pueblos.

Sunday, 27 June 2010


Hoy es un día triste para nuestro México, por desgracia nuevamente nos dejan fuera de la mas grande fiesta del futbol, la copa mundial, la verdad siempre en todos los mundiales, nos pasa algo, siempre ya cuando tenemos casi todo para seguir adelante, no se que nos pasa, nos cae el chahuistle y perdemos.

Lo peor de todo es que es siempre en octavos de final y contra argentina, ya son dos veces que nos la deben, se que algún día ganaremos la copa mundial, la verdad me siento muy orgulloso de ser Mexicano, ser orgulloso de nuestras tradiciones nuestra cultura, nuestro idioma y nuestra idiosincrasia que nos caracteriza.

Somos raza de cobre, raza Azteca, por nuestra sangre corre la historia de un pueblo guerrero de un pueblo que no se rinde y de un pueblo que sueña, soñadores de alma y espíritu, dejamos todos por seguir un sueño.

Y aunque para todo somos soñadores algún día empezaremos a plasmar esos sueños en triunfos.



Nuestro hermoso himno nacional, no hay quien no sienta escalosfrios cuando se escucha en lo mas profundo de nuestro ser.


Hello Sentosa (:

# Currently playing Gee - Girls Generation

Oh oh, I just got back from my JayBee/Singapore trip with the fellas. Can't wait for the next Mayang's Trip! Haha!

Well, what can I say eh. Oh, JB is all grown up! I barely recognize the city! Seriously, its not like the way I left it before. *amazed* Sometimes, I just get quite nostalgic. Can't help it!

So we stayed at The Puteri Pacific Hotel, Johor Bahru for 2 nights.

The Room! and again, I have to share it with Bunchet.
(harusslah kan)
The view from the room :)

I find that I've been on a funny sort of binge, lately. The kind where I seem to be starting on so many new things as my new semester is coming up! Yay!! Yay!! To be honest, in the time after I left JB up until now, I feel like I've grown alot! I'm not sure if I've posted about this before, but whatever, here we go again. Anyway yes, when I went from JB to Shah Alam, I grew. From Shah Alam to Jakarta, I grew. And from Jakarta back to Shah Alam again, I grew. To be honest, though I feel like I grew a lot after I starting my course in Lendu, when my life was starting to make a big turn, but still, I don't think I'm all that grown up pun. But I love the way I manage things. And yahhh, people might say "weh kau ni immatured betul lah, serious sikit boleh?"

Well, I AM!!

I know I keep on goofing around, but doesn't mean I'm not being serious. Trust me, you don't wanna see me with the serious face. Itu muka paling ketat yang korang akan jumpe. :D

Ok ok back on track. Oh Oh Singapore is well known as the fine city. You know, they got this very very very longgg list of fines. For examples, jaywalking across public roads is NOT allowed. Strictly NO littering, and NO eating on the MRT(Mass-Rapid-Transit). Paling sial, STRICTLY NO CHEWING GUM! Guess what? The penalty for smuggling gum into the country is one year in jail, and a S$10,000 fine. Ok, whatever. I kunyah je. Haha!

It was Saturday. The traffic to Singapore was clear but not the other way round. In fact, many Singaporeans love to spend their big dollars in Malaysia, while the Malaysians are busy spending their little Ringgits in the Dollar country. What a cycle! (no wonder nak bankrupt :p)

Oh do you know, Singapore is the world's fourth leading financial centre and a cosmopolitan world city, playing a key role in international trade and finance! Kecil-kecil cili padi ;) The population: Chinese 76%, Malay 13%, Indian 7%, Other races 1%. (That's what the tour guide told us) Haha!

So, we went to the Universal Studios in Sentosa. *I like to move it move it* And, it was HUGE. I mean, friggin HUGE! (of course lah, I kecik kan) But but but but, as its still new, so half of it still under construction. Maybe I'll pay a full visit again in the next 10 more years in time, sebab tak sempat nak tawaf sampai habis. *sigh*

ini GAY.

With the conceited, fun-loving ring-tailed lemur,
King Julien XIII! *i like to move it move it*

Popcorn TERMAHAL yg pernah dibeli.

Anak mak. Teehehehe!

*JACKPOT!* Cheesy popcorn, anyone?

Oh, you know how much I hate the roller coaster or whatever that simmilar to that freaking thing. Guess what? I just ride one, accidently. And you know lah what happened next. *mouth shut*

After dah habis tunggang terbalik, we went to the next stop, the Hullet Rise Apartment, somewhere near Somerset, and Achik sangat happy. KAN KAN KAN?? :P One of the neighbours lives there. So, kami pun menyemakkan diri. Hehehe

Psssst! Actually, Achik got this BIG crush on
the son(white shirt). Bhahahhh!

The hungry bears!

And his mom served us with this Laksa Singapura. Basically, it was my first time, of course NOT for the rest, and it was SUPERDELICIOUS! (and tak pedas. hehe) Thanks for filling up the grumpy tummies, Aunty!

Later, we went to the Orchard Road. The addition of new street lamps, planter boxes, urban green rooms, street tiling, and flower totem poles are totally kill it! The place is awesomeeee!! And I bought new perfumes!! Yay Yay!! Later we went to the Paragon. Bapak-bapak mau shopping. Waduh waduh (-__-")

Uncle Laila with his strange pose as usual. Haha!

View itu rekaan semata-mata :P

Lagi capek nungguin bis ni.

Geng Bas Sekolah.

On the next day, we had our breakfast together, and then swimming together, mengumpat together, and packed our bags together. Comel tak? :P Haha! On the way back, we stopped at Ayer Hitam. Sambung shopping lagi. Waduh waduh, ibu-ibu gak capek apa?

While the rest went for swimming..,
..I packed my stuffs!

Later on the way back, we stopped at this Nasuha Herbs & Spices Paradise in Pagoh for dinner. The service is a total fucked up, thank you. Then, we started our journey back, and stop at this one RnR in Melaka to alas perut. Then, perjalanan diteruskan, and AGAIN, we stopped at RnR Rawang kot, for satay. Bhahahahh, can't get enough of makan kan we all ni? Haha

Finally we reached Mayang Sutera around 10p.m. 6 families has joined the trip. Hoping for more in the next one!

That's all for now.

Stay tuned. (:

Saturday, 26 June 2010

S dnyom rozhdyeniya!!!! = FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS KARY.......


Los años pasan día a día, un año mas a nuestra cuenta, el paso de los años no son en vano y cada año nos llenamos con más vivencias con más recuerdos y con mas experiencia en nuestra vida, maravilloso el poder abrir los ojos y poder admirar la belleza que nos regala nuestro creador.

Hoy que es tu día mi queridísima Karina, hoy quiero decirte Felicidades por una año mas de vida, Felicidades por ser esa mujer tan fuerte que carga con tanto peso, a esa mujer de voluntad inquebrantable, a esa mujer que lleva la fuerza de la vida en el alma, a esa mujer que todo lo logra y que lo inimaginable vuelve realidad, a esa madre a esa esposa y a ese amiga, en este día quiero felicitarte Amiga.

Que Dios bendiga tu persona, que te llene de inmensa paz espiritual, de energía y de magia al conducirte como lo haces, en Este día le pido a Dios por ti, por que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad y por que el Dolor se extinga en tu corazón, que vuelva a ti la vida y que los sueños jamás se extingan.

Jamás olvides en la magia de creer en ti, de creer en Dios y en creer en lo imposible, hoy la vida, el universo y la magia es tuya, es por eso que hoy en tu cumpleaños, Dios te bendice con la magia del amor, con la magia de cumplirte cualquier sueño que tu desees, por que hoy, HOY ES TU DIA.


Friday, 25 June 2010

Waiting. Esperando, esperando, esperando.....

WAITING, cuantas veces no hemos esperado a ese amor que tanto añoramos, cuantas lagrimas perdemos al esperar ese amor que no es correspondido o que tanto anhelamos, hace mucho tiempo, como todos comenze a esperar y esperar pero de tanto esperar me aburri, creo que cuando uno se enamora pierde la cabeza pierde el tiempo y pierde la fe, cuando las cosas no van bien, creemos que el amor es lo peor, que el amor no existe y que jamas le abriremos las puertas nuevamente a el.

Pero no, yo se que el amor esta haya afuera en cada dia que Dios nos regala, en cada gota de lluvia que permite renovarnos al caer del cielo, siempre he creido que cuando llueve, el cielo llora, cuando menos me imaginaba que podría ser cierto, descubrí que no es verdad, cuando mas creemos que el amor es dolor, es lo contrario, el amor es el sentimiento mas puro y mas noble que existe en el universo, el amor es lo que nos motiva a seguir adelante y el amor es lo que nos hacer ser seres vivos, sin el morímos día a día, dejamos de ser humanos para convertirnos en seres de plástico, sin sentimientos, se que muchas personas a mi alrededor sufren por amor y esperan largo tiempo a que ese amor regrese que volte los ojos nuevamente a ellos.

Entiendo todo el dolor que hay en mis amigos y solo podría decirles que el amor esta dentro de uno mismo, no hay que esperar a que nos amen para ser felices por que la felicidad no radica en una persona, radica en nuestro corazón, radica en la fuerza interior que llevamos dentro, radica en la magia que nos da la vida, en la magia de ser nosotros, se que el amor de pareja es hermoso, pero hay que disfrutar el momento, el amor es como una pequeña plantita que conciben dos almas sutiles, ambos siembran con fe y esperanza esa pequeña semilla, ambos la riegan día a día y le dan fuerza para que crezca, ambos nutren a ese pequeño ser que nace día a día, eso es el amor de pareja, asi como nace hay que conservarlo día a día, no lloren cuando alguna persona se ha olvidado de ustedes, el amor no es dolor, el amor no es llanto y el amor no es sufrimiento, el amor es un sentimiento que nutre el alma, cuando las dos personas dejan de amarse dejan de cuidar esa pequeña planta que crece dia a dia y empieza a morir, es ahí cuando pensamos que se acaba el amor, no es eso es que solo olvidamos como nutrirlo.

El amor es bello, el amor esta en nosotros. pero de eso hablare algun día.

Solamente quería compartir con quien quiera mi pensar.

Jamas esperes al amor, por que el amor esta dentro de ti, permitele que renazca en tí, abrele las puertas de tu corazon y volveras a vivir, recuerda que todo este tiempo que has crecido no necesitaste de un chico o una chica para vivir, tu solo has sido el creador de tu historia, con tu amor y el amor de tu familia y tus amigos.


Fading of the day
As night takes over
And I can almost feel
You here

Your memory remains
I breath it closer
I swear that I still feel you near

The cool wind is taking over
Its taking over

So far away
You're gone so long
Ohh and I'm waiting

Till that day
I take you home
Know that Im waiting
Know that Im waiting
Know that Im waiting

Haunted by your grace
You know Im falling
So cool without you
Always in my mind
I hear you calling

So far away
You're gone so long
Ohh and Im waiting

So far away
You're gone so long
Ohh and Im waiting

Till that day
I take you home
Know that Im waiting
Know that Im waiting


Caray, tantos años han pasado cuando yo tenia 18 años, exactamente 10 años, en este tiempo que ha pasado, como si fuera una pelicula recuerdo mil momentos que me vienen a la mente, como el tener tu primer carro, el viajar solo, el soñar con mil cosas que te emocionan, pero asi es la vida, transcurre sin darnos cuenta.

En un momento vives algo y al siguiente ya es solo un recuerdo, una efimera vivencia de nuestra vida, recuerdos que nos dan vida a la vida misma, !acaso solamente seremos un recuerdo en esta vida¡, en el ahora y en el hoy.

Creo que siempre he pensado en el por que estamos en esta vida, ¿a que venimos a este mundo? ¿ Quien nos creo? ¿Que somos?, ¿acaso tu no te has preguntado por que estamos aquí?, recurrentemente en mi mente llegan estos cuestionamientos, pero despues rio un poco y pienso, ¡hey no seas tonto! vive esta vida con intensidad, no te preocupes el por que, el para que, simplemente estamos en este tiempo, en este mundo y en esta vida, esto es lo que nos toco vivir.

he llegado a la conclusion que para vivir solamente es cuestion de cerrar los ojos, sentir el latido del universo y solamente vivir, dejar atras todas aquellas cosas que nos retienen que nos dominan y que no nos permiten vivir.

Wow, Acaso aun no te has dado cuenta de que estamos en esta vida para disfrutar, nah yo si, Vivir es sentir y sentir es vivir por eso a cada momento sonrio y solamente vivo.


Acompaño mi pensamiento, con una magnifica pieza de William Orbit Barbers Adagio For Strings, que para mi resume la vida en un sonido. disfrutenlo.


Thursday, 24 June 2010

I Don't Need a Parachute. Baby, If I Got You.

# Currently playing Chemicals React - Aly and AJ

Uh, hello readers!

Thanks for all your non-stop support.

For being concern.

For the SMSes.

And the messages.

Sangat terharu :')

I'm fine.

Sorry for being so so so emoish lately.

(haga haga haga haga)

Oh oh can't wait to register! *counting days*

But seriously, I hate our new time table!

(Thanks, Zaf. Hehe)

And I just hate the bloody KOKO. (oh, its my final one)

NO KOKO starting next sem. *Hooray!

I just had enough tanning. Nak hitam mana lagi -__-!

Oh oh, I'm off to JayBee tommorow!! And and I'll be butting out to Singapore later! *excited* Its my second time, dude. What can you expect. My first time was, around 17-18 years ago kot. *sigh*

And I think Cheryl Cole is super smaxay!! ;)

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

10 Things I Hate About You

I hate the way you talk to me,

and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car.

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb shoes,

and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick,

and even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you're always right.

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh,

even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you're not around,

and the fact you didn't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.

Not even close.

Not even a little bit.

Not even at all.

I Got Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Lose

Oh Oh today I went ice-skating with Janjan! And and it was my very very first time! So, agak penat menjerit tadi. (Strictly NO Pyramid for now, MALU!) :P Hehehe. But sangat sangat happy I can finally meet my Janjan!! Bhahahahhh!!

Oh oh and I met his friends, Afiq and Hash. And and I had this loong loooong convo with Hash. (Habislah Adie, banyak I nak sembur you nanti) :P

Oh and guess what, that boy who I called "boyfriend" wasn't there for the music. He was sooooo busy lah kot at Rasta. Only can type o-k-a-y, when I kat sini separuh mati tengah marah. I just hate when things are over-so much is left undone. And you don't even give a damn, DON'T YOU?!


Lying on the bed and doing nothing is killing me softly. So, I texted Fathin, Ajin, and Roy. And the silence continues. So, i rang Fathin but she doesn't pick up any of my calls! Then, Roy replied my text. FINALLY! So, I gave him a call and we had this superduperlong convo for two friggin' hours!

"You, I nak lepas geram! So, you kene dengar!"

And I was like, non stop talking and laughing and crying and shouting 'til I have nothing left to say, and couting the fucking days. And guess what, its no Sunday or Saturday.

I'm going back on Holly Friday!! (Yay!! Yay!!)

And I dengar suara-suara katak ber-koir kat belakang tu. Meriah betul. Haha!

And thanks, again. For listening, and suruh I mandi. 'Cuz I almost forgot that I haven't showered yet. *sigh

Guess, I have to stop here. Mulut sangat celupar for now. My heart can no longer love passionately. You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.


It's okay, I don't live my life for anybody.

I hate life, I hate death and everything in between just doesn't interest me.

I just, don't give a damn.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

'Cause I Got You

With you, with you.

I wish we had another time.
I wish we had another place.

Now Romeo & Juliet.
They could never felt the way we felt.

Bonnie & Clyde, never had the highlight.
We do, we do.

You and I both know it can't work.
It's all fun and games 'til someone gets hurt.

And I don't.
I won't let that be you.

See like Adam & Eve, tragedy was a destiny.
Like Sunny & Cher, I don't care.
I got you, baby.

See we both, fightin' every inch of our fiber.
'Cause in a way, it's gonna end right.

But, we are both too foolish to stop.

Now you don't wanna let go.
And I don't wanna let you know.
There might be something real between us two,
Who knew?

Now we don't wanna fall.
But, we're tripping in our hearts.

And it's reckless and clumsy.
And I know you can't love me here.

See like,
just because this cold cold world saying
We can't be.
Baby, we both have the right to decide we.

And I ain't with it.
And I don't wanna be so old and grey.
And it isn't 'bout these better days.

But convince just telling us to let go.
So, we'll never know.

I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
'Cuz everything we did, and everything we have is stuck in the moment.

And there's nothing my heart can do.
To fight with time and space 'cause,

I'm still stuck in the moment with you.


Monday, 21 June 2010

Midnight Show

It's one in the morning and I can't sleep. Nothing to do than lazying around. Then I saw the camera, right under my bed, and this is what happened. *yawnnn*

Call me vain, I am. (:

It's Tuesday, people! And do you know what day it is?? It's Tearsday!! Bhahahahahh! Why?? Because I'm screwed!! Yay!! Yay!! Why?? Because if you happy and you know it clap your hands!! *clap clap*
I am happy, and nobody can change me. Not even a hair! And I don't trust anybody. Not even you, or you. Boooo!!


Do you know most of mad people called special?

That's why I wanna be one!

I wanna be special!

One of a kind!

Or whatever you called it.


I have my imaginary friends.

They're lovely.

Always there when I'm in need.

Never complain ones.

And Satisfaction Guaranteed ;)

And They Call Me Heartbreaker

You are fine, you are sweet but I'm still a bit naive, with my heart.

When you're close, I don't breathe.

I can't find the words to speak, I feel sparks.

But I don't want to be into you, if you're not looking for true love.

No, I don't wanna start seein' you if I can't be your only one.

When you call, I don't know if I should pick up the phone every time.

I'm not like all my friends who keep calling up the boys, I'm so shy.

But, I don't want to be into you if you don't treat me the right way.

See, I can only start seeing you if you can make my heart feel safe.

Let me know if it's gonna be you.

Boy, you've got some things to prove.

Let me know that you'll keep me safe.

I don't want you to run away.

So, let me know that you'll call on time.

Let me know that you'll help me shine.

Will you wipe my tears away?

Will you hold me close and say..

When it's not alright, when it's not okay.

Will you try to make me feel better?

Will you say alright?

Will you say okay?

Will you stick with me through whatever

or run away?

Will you say okay..

Sunday, 20 June 2010

I'm Back!

Selamat Sore!

3 days straight of shopping sangat HEAVEN! But when I cleaned up all my stuff, its not as much as what I thought. So, I am not satisfied! Need to shop more! Sayang, I want my Bali! Gimme gimme gimme! And the penyu. Auuwwwww, RINDU! Mereka sangat VINTAGE. They got this 80y'o penyu. Sangaaaaaat besar! Bigbig! (why am I writing about Bali?)

Back on track.

Oke oke, fer sure lah, when you're in Jakarta, Makanan Sunda is what you have to go for! Some people might go for Makanan Padang, but I'm not really into it. Heh. So we went to "Dapur Sunda" in Beliagio, somewhere in Kuningan. (Awhh, I miss that place!)

We stayed in Aston Rasuna Apartment. We went for 3bedrooms'. Not bad, but not spacefull enough. The service is good. But not as good as Somerset's and Ascott's :P (duhh!)

On the first day, we went for Ikan Bamboo, sebab Ikan tu dalam buluh. Hehe. But it doesn't taste as good as before. *sigh* I know I promised Hazriq to snap the Ikan and the Cewekss but I accidently left my camera inside the car, and the driver went for makan. Grrr!! Next time, man. NEXT TIME. Haha!

This time, our driver is Pak John. But I prefer Pak Walid. Cuter ;) Pak John macam suka pepoyo. So, terpaksa layan. ANNOYING.

Oh oh, the rising price is killing me! Last time, one DVD only costs 6,000rupiah (RM2.40). But now, its 7,000rupiah (RM3.20)! Danggg! Same goes to zhe SHADES. Last time 25,000rupiah (RM10), but now its 13,000rupiah (RM12)! So, I tak beli :P Sebab dia tak bagi bargain. I can get the same shades only for RM10 at Summit. So, who cares!! Your loss!! Hmph!!

Oh oh, not to forget, Angah belanja me Dunkin's! and Achik belanja me Yogurt Ice Cream. Auwww.. THANKS!! (terharu sb they all golongan Haji Bakhil) :D

So, here's some of the moments ya! ;)

Setelah tiba di Bandara.

Kamar I.

The Living Room.

The Kitchen.

Kamar II.

The View from my room.

The Ride!

the Girl On The Move. Haha!

Oh, I miss this =(

Gak machet lagi ni.

Menanti 'Keredok'nya sampei. Haha!

Oh, my notty notty daddy!

My sleep partner. Dia sgt buas!


The Photography Exhibition.
Ignore the arts. It's my face is more important. Haha!

The Pacific Place. Ngaaa~

Saya suka sama Fahrani!

On the way to Bandara.

The Supir, Pak John!

Yoooooogurt! Yooogood!

Do you know, Bandara stands for Bandaraya Udara?!

It's two hours flight. What do you expect?

Dude, it runs in our blood! Haha!

And we got another 15 minutes free due to traffic at the airport.